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The New Year

This is a post from Eh-2-Zed Facebook page...I just thought it was worth repeating here.
Just a note to those who may not know, but at Eh-2-Zed  we do not buy pallets of liquidation items. Nobody's second-thought-returns or some stores' scratch and dent items. All the products, but a few, I buy directly from the manufacturer. The  products that I currently don't stock, will ship directly to you from the manufacturing site.
I am invested in Eh-2-Zed and my suppliers. Some online sites make their money solely on affiliation or using a drop shipping method with little investment of their own. I am willing to put my own money into the products I sell because I believe in their value.
Let's make the year 2021 be the year that we not only support local but be mindful of our buying choices. Spend our money wisely and invest in Canadian Made as much as possible. If there is one thing that 2020 taught us it's that we need each other's support. In order to thrive as a community, town, city, province or country we need to invest in and support our own manufacturing.
All the best in the New Year to you and your family!

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