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What Is A White Elephant Gift Exchange & How It's Different From Secret Santa

White Elephant vs. Secret Santa: The Perfect Gift Exchange Games

At Eh-2-Zed, we believe that gift exchanges are more than just swapping presents—they're about creating memories, laughter, and connection. This holiday season, spice up your celebrations with two classic games: White Elephant and Secret Santa. Read on for the full rules (including how to play with dice!) and tips to make your event unforgettable.

How to Play: White Elephant Gift Exchange

The White Elephant Gift Exchange combines gift-giving with a game of chance and strategy. It’s ideal for groups of 6 to 40 players and adds a playful twist to the traditional exchange.

What You’ll Need:

  • A dice set
  • A gift for each participant (establish a budget, like $25–$30)
  • A rule sheet (optional but helpful)

Step-by-Step Rules for White Elephant:

  1. Preparation:

    • Ask each guest to bring a wrapped gift to contribute to the game. Gifts are placed in a central pile.
    • Decide beforehand how many rounds of dice rolling will take place and whether gifts are unwrapped immediately or after the game.
  2. Set Up:

    • Have everyone sit in a circle around the gift pile.
    • Determine the order of play by rolling the dice. The highest roller starts.
  3. Rolling Rules:

    • Players take turns rolling dice, and each roll determines their action.
    • Common rules for dice rolls include:
      • Roll a 1: Choose a gift from the pile.
      • Roll a 2: Steal a gift from another player.
      • Roll a 3: Swap your gift with the person on your left.
      • Roll a 4: Swap your gift with the person on your right.
      • Roll a 5: Unwrap your gift. If it’s already unwrapped, swap it with anyone in the circle.
      • Roll a 6: Pass your turn or roll again.
  4. Stealing Rules: these can be used to save time

    • A gift can only be stolen a limited number of times (usually 3) to keep the game moving.
    • After a gift has reached its maximum steals, it’s “frozen” and cannot be taken again.
  5. Ending the Game:

    • The game ends when all the gifts are unwrapped and no more dice rolls remain.
    • The gift each player holds is theirs to take home.

Pro Tips for White Elephant Success:

  • Large Groups: Divide players into smaller groups to avoid long wait times.
  • Themes: Encourage themed gifts (e.g., “silly gifts” or “winter essentials”) to add creativity.
  • Time Management: Set a timer for decisions to keep the game moving.

How to Play: Secret Santa

For a simpler and more personal experience, Secret Santa is a timeless option.

How It Works:

  1. Draw Names:

    • Use a hat or an online generator to assign names. Participants will secretly buy a gift for the person they draw.
  2. Gift Rules:

    • Set a price limit and encourage participants to create wish lists for inspiration.
  3. Exchange Day:

    • Gifts are placed anonymously in a designated area.
    • Each recipient guesses their Secret Santa before or after opening their gift.

Why Choose Secret Santa?

  • It’s easy to organize and works well for small gatherings or limited time.
  • Themes, like “homemade gifts” or “holiday treats,” can make it even more engaging.

Which Game Is Right for You?

  • Choose White Elephant for a lively, laughter-filled event with some friendly competition.
  • Pick Secret Santa for a thoughtful, intimate exchange that emphasizes personalization.

At Eh-2-Zed, we love seeing people come together, and these games are sure to make your holiday season memorable.


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